Follow-up on the DC Adventure

I have had some questions regarding the earlier posts about my visit to DC and the march. One that is fresh in my mind that I've gotten from a few readers is the significance of the lions at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Here's the explanation:

"Each of the pathway entrances is adorned with a powerful statuary grouping of an adult lion protecting its cubs. The bronze statues were sculpted by Raymond Kaskey. They symbolize the protective role of our law officers and convey the strength, courage and valor that are the hallmarks of those who serve in law enforcement."

Additionally, each lion's pedestal contains a quote. These are described as follows:

"Under each of the lion statues are inspiring quotes that capture the spirit of the Memorial and the heroic men and women it recognizes:

"In valor there is hope."

"It is not how these officers died that made them heroes, it is how they lived."
- Vivian Eney Cross, Survivor

"The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are as bold as a lion."
- Proverbs 28:1

"Carved on these walls is the story of America, of a continuing quest to preserve both democracy and decency, and to protect a national treasure that we call the American dream."
- President George H.W. Bush

For more information about the Memorial or the Memorial Fund, I encourage you to visit their website at

To coin the phrase, "All [give] some, some [give] all."
