The Emperor is STILL Naked!

In spite of all we've seen and all that has happened over the last three weeks, 11 months or ten years, there remain among us a band of clowns who would convince us all that the naked guy in the parade before us really is wearing very fine apparel!

Today, the FBI announced its intention to "review" all of the mass shootings that have taken place since the Virginia Tech incident to see if anything can be learned. This should be translated as, "to determine how best to blame political conservatives, the US, the Founders, Tea Parties (or all of the above--BONUS!) and blur the obvious.

Let me explain what can be learned from them all has already been learned from the mass murders that have happened before the VT travesty.

1.) It doesn't matter who the shooter(s) is (are). Be they home grown psychos or foreign cowardly trash, they are bent on one thing and one thing only--getting their face on TV and having the reporters tell their pathetic, stupid tale to the viewing public. The body count is a tool to earn them that face time on TV and in the news--their ticket to fame and the forum to air their ridiculous musings on their miserable lives. Hence the seemingly endless view of that smirking cowardly clown who attacked innocents at Fort Hood this week.

2.) These cowards are not looking for a fair fight and certainly do not want to engage in a gun fight with trained professionals. Don't be fooled by the most recent terrorist--yes, Muslim terrorist--attack at Fort Hood in Texas. He was not bravely facing down armed soldiers, nor was he marred by his combat experiences (there were none). He knew full well that personnel on the base were not armed. Moreover, he knew very well that weapons are carefully controlled on base. He was facing unarmed victims for Allah--the typical bravery of a terrorist for any cause.

[NOTE: A deeply heartfelt congratulations goes out to Kimberly Munley, the genuine hero in this story who, despite her injuries, continued to return fire on the cowardly terrorist, paralyzing him and ending the threat he presented to others. May God's choicest blessings be with her and her family as she recovers from her physical and psychological injuries sustained in her outstanding performance of duty! My prayers continue with the other responders who are no less heroic in their time and turn!]

If these scumbags wanted to engage in a gunfight, they would call the local police department, announce the date and time of their "attack" and invite them to come have it out. The officers would certainly oblige and help them all assume room temperature. Likewise, they could call any of a number of combat units of the United States Armed Forces and do the same. They would similarly send them in their eternal quest for those promised virgins and deliver that service with a smile! No, cowards of all stripes prefer multiple unarmed targets because their goal, again, is the body count sufficient to get them on the news for awhile. This brings us to the third point:

3.) Unarmed masses of people are particularly inviting to these worthless cowards. They will gravitate to places where the 2nd Amendment rights are hampered the most, places where people tend to mass and where response times for police are the greatest. They will look for places with limited access points that slow responding personnel, or provide early alerts to the shooter(s). They really prefer places where they can establish rapid control over their "shooting gallery" and can focus on their climb to fame.

4.) A companion reality to No. 3 is that most of these incidents can end prior to the arrival of law enforcement. Either the gunman will run low on ammo or resolve and turn the weapon on himself. Or in the case of an organized attack with multiple terrorists, they will have fired enough to gain control of their target and can stop shooting prior to the arrival of responding officers. This will hold the assault of law enforcement on the target and allow the terrorists time to "harden" it by placing bombs, traps, blockades, etc. This way, while law enforcement establishes a perimeter, calls supervisors and SWAT teams and establishes negotiations, they will be free to torture their captives at will (for more on this, I encourage you to read Terror at Beslan by John Giduck).

5.) The best way to stop these clowns is immediate engagement with appropriate force. The only way to ensure that response is a trained and armed populace. We see in Israel that terrorists are left with only one option to attack a target--to strap a bomb on themselves under their clothing and blow themselves up in a crowded spot. The reason is that the tend to get gunned down by women and children in the streets when they show up to shoot up the place!

I am confident that after the FBI reviews everything and assures us that the best response is to remain passive and sheep-like and trust the government to protect us all, these realities will remain. While we'll be coaxed to believe that there are nuances beyond our simple understanding to incidents like this, these glaringly obvious realities will still be evident. And, despite B. Hussein Obama's pleas that we refrain from "jumping to conclusions" it will remain readily apparent that the emperor is still flitting about without any clothes on!

I feel something different on the air, though. It seems to me that the American spirit is shaking off the chains of decades of progressive "assurances" and "solutions." We're rediscovering the power of our individualism. It is my conviction that our strength as a nation--the strength that flows from individual liberty and accountability and rejection of grand government schemes--is awakening and that our best days truly lie ahead of us. Truth, in all its glowing, obvious, undeniable brilliance will surely set us free... and keep us free.

In closing, as I reflect on the heroism on display in Killeen and now in Orlando from our warriors who confront the evil among us, I am reminded of a quote from an anonymous military officer as cited by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman (Ret.): "Dear God, where do we get such men [and women]? What loving God hath provided that in each generation, afresh, there should arise new giants in the land?"
