No Time to Falter!

True to form, B. Hussein Obama has received yet another whoopin' from the American people and fled to a hand-picked adoring crowd for some much needed campaign style ego stroking. When about 1-2 million fellow citizens and I descended on the Capitol, B. Hussein likewise packed up the teleprompters and fled to Minnesota to absorb some calculated adulation from a few dozen of his closest pals.

The very serious downside to his laughable obsession with crowds of brainless nitwits chanting his name is that he gets all pumped up and more determined to foist one of his statist brain farts on the rest of us. Also true to form, he declared his intent to press forward with his socialist agenda in the health care industry and identified his next target for nationalizing private industry: banking. He is already well underway in nationalizing student loans (something I'm intimately familiar with) and has signaled his determination to take the whole thing. It's to be expected, as it was outlined by one of his Marxist idols, Saul Alinsky.

But again, I am positive and hopeful like never before. The election of Scott Brown was a monumental indication that the American people have awakened and are determined to make their collective voice heard despite the willful deafness of the political elite in DC.

The statists will pursue their agenda relentlessly, no doubt. But they do so at their own political peril and due to their own persistent ignorance of the character of the people of this nation. Regardless of their concerted decades-long efforts to dumb down the populace--to diminish the founders and the Constitution in the minds of the people and to erect in their place a pseudo-intellectualism and laughably blind faith in one fraudulent "science" after another--the American people continue to demonstrate that they have LIBERTY in their very blood.

In the two terms of "W," we were regaled repeatedly with reports of polls (an interesting phenomenon in itself in our time, where news agencies take a poll and then report on that poll as if it's news!) of his declining popularity. But we never got the straight story on why it declined.

While I'm no pollster and have admittedly not taken the time to dig into every poll in the last ten years, I noted some interesting things in those polls. We were always shown the polls of the declining approval of the War on Terror and told it was a general displeasure w/ George W. Bush and the War. However, those approval numbers rose starkly whenever we killed or captured a "High-Value Target," or kicked some trash in some way.

Likewise, we were told the American people were repudiating the conservative policies of "W." and even Reagan (!) as Bush's popularity sank to the 30's and 20's. Yet my displeasure with him (and that of countless friends with whom I conversed in DC on 9-12-09) was centered on his efforts to placate the statists on the left with an irresponsible drug expenditure, and other Progressive policies that were decidedly NOT Reaganesque!

Now, we see Scott Brown unashamedly campaigning as a conservative--NOT a McCain, Democrat Light "conservative." And he won. Come to think of it, Reagan won Massachuesetts in his landslide victory over Mondull.

Tellingly, the "media" in their first press conference w/ Brown repeatedly attempted to push him into their camp, asking if he's gotten any advice from McCain on "how to be a Maverik" (AKA spineless simp), how he plans to "reach across the aisle" to "work with Democrats" to help them carry out their agenda which was loudly and clearly repudiated by his election!!! It's unreal, but it's also an indicator of their determination to co-opt Brown or to attempt his destruction if he doesn't play along.

I have no great hopes in Brown, alone. His election is merely another in a long line of demonstrations of the determination of the American people to preserve this nation in LIBERTY for future generations. And again, the statists continue to ignore the growing volume of our voices at their peril! They can hide in their "whited sepulchres" in DC and tell each other we don't really mean it. But if they continue their efforts to enslave us and our children, they will rapidly discover first hand what King George experienced and felt! They may even get a taste of "Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne's" experience in the wilds of New England!

At any rate, and happily, this generation of Americans seems equal to the fight. A genuine and prolonged fight remains before us, to be sure. But I feel confident that the friends of liberty and freedom will prevail in our time. And hopefully, our children and their children will regard us kindly for our defeat of tyranny that has taken root within our shores. But regardless of their feelings toward us, they will be FREE to think and feel what they wish then and there through our victory here and now.


  1. Great blog!! Again!! I agree 100%! Wish I could read Chinese (?)!

  2. In honor of our Chi-com friends, I censored it! lol


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