Patriotic Kindle and some Random Thoughts...

I am pleased to announce that Bear's Patriot Blog is now available for Kindle users through I set it up last night, so it should be available in the next day or two.

Now, a few random thoughts:

B. Hussein Obama minions have made some comments recently that military action against Yemen may be in order as a response to failed Skivvie Bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Even as his administration continues the moronic policy of profiling things rather than terrorists, this new level of stupidity is concerning.

US statists have historically been uncomfortable with "victory" and B. Hussein has stated he's no different. After all, victory for us implies defeat for someone else (with all the myriad esteem issues that come with it)! Hence their propensity, when in power, to fight wars to a draw and to seek "containment" rather than victory.

But they also don't mind the rush that comes from lumping on some tiny nation to demonstrate their toughness and military prowess--or to distract the country from more nefarious activities. So, while they neglect real threats, they get a thrill from pounding world super powers like Haiti and now, Yemen.

Meanwhile, Iran continues to build a nuclear weapon with every intention of using it on Israel first and then us. But everything will be fine. After all, the TSA will no longer allow magazines, paper back books or blankets to be in passengers' laps during flights.


B. Hussein and his statist congressional cronies will be meeting behind closed doors to craft the conference bill which they will then pass and he will sign. And one day soon, you and I will wake up in a country we don't recognize as a result!

I'm betting that it will feature all of the socialist features that they originally intended with a full seizure of the health care industry by the federal government. I'm also betting there will be yet another breaking of the transparency promise by B. Hussein (to post all legislation online for public review).

Since the last time the fiasco was posted online for all to see and members of Congress caught hell in town hall meetings across the country, the health care nuts have gone underground to impose their plan on the populace.

Most Americans do NOT agree with B. Hussein that our health care system is in "crisis." Rather, they recognize it is a "crisis" manufactured by B. Hussein, Rahm Emanuel and their statist administration cronies.

Similarly, two thirds of Americans self-identify as conservative and prefer smaller, less intrusive government when asked. Self-identified affiliation with the Democrat Party has steadily declined reaching a new low in December. However Republicans, who have essentially run as "Democrat Lite" for the last few election cycles, are not gathering those defectors in.

The reality is, the massive TEA Party movement has galvanized conservatives, but we remain split on the notion of a new party to carry the conservative banner. Starting a third party creates the very real risk of ceding power to the statist Dems for the foreseeable future. Given the speed with which they've acted to fulfill Nikita Krushchev's grim prophecies about America, we can't afford that. Yet the Republicans have not acted as much of a brake on that decline in freedom and we can scarcely afford much more of them, either!

In short, this movement for a return to the vision of our founders must find a way to organize and coalesce into a sustainable form. I fear that unless someone returns the government to a responsible path, the end result will be civil war and unspeakable bloodshed and horror. Tyrants never cede power peacefully and allowing tyranny--even a soft tyranny-- to develop and grow unchecked will prove disastrous.


Finally, on a lighter note, the Indianapolis Colts' coaching staff dishonored the sacrifices and achievements of their team through their cowardly move to bench the starters and throw the last two regular season games. This has been tried before and resulted in failure and I believe it will cost the Colts an early departure from the Playoffs this year as well.

Moreover, I feel this decision was a disgrace to the game of football as well. I don't advocate rules against such things as they should be the choice of the team and coaches. But it's dishonorable, in my opinion, to demand the level of effort from a team that leads them to a 14-0 record--to encourage and demand the work and sacrifice to reach that level of excellence--and then, when perfection is in sight and within reach, to pull the rug out from under them and throw the games under the guise of "protecting" the starters from injury and "saving" them for the Playoffs.

It's every bit as likely that the starters can be hurt in the first Playoff game as in the last two of the regular season. That excuse doesn't compensate for the cowardice of the decision to make those men (who worked and sacrificed and fought for perfection for 14 games) stand by and watch their efforts and that level of excellence be tossed aside by less talented players. They may have lost anyway and not reached that perfect season, as happened to the Patriots. But the Patriots can at least say they didn't cheat the game--that they gave it all they had in their failed run for perfection. The Colts, on the other hand, dishonored themselves and the teams that beat them in their final games by giving at best a second-rate effort.

All their protestations notwithstanding, that move disrupted an efficient machine. Those players who achieved a 14-0 record have now had needlessly to absorb a significant psychological and emotional blow. They will be out of rhythm physically, mentally and emotionally by the time they see action and I predict ultimate failure to reach, let alone win another Super Bowl.

And, in my opinion, a coach who would so deliberately or at least thoughtlessly hurt his team in this way is deserving of more contempt (and more deserving of being fired) than a coach (like Jim Zorn, for example) who gives his best and fails. There is FAR less shame in laying everything on the line and failing than in holding back in hopes of saving something for a championship shot that may never come because of that holding back!
