A Recommendation

The flaccid response to the most recent attempted terror attack by the Clown-in-Chief revealed his utter incompetence to perform his primary responsibility--to protect this nation from significant threats. He is a man steeped in the belief that government, particularly an all-powerful government, is the answer to every problem.

While he and his administration were smugly counting on the "system [to work]," Americans seated beside Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab were compelled to react and subdue him when he set his underwear ablaze with an ill-conceived attempt to blow up their plane. Now, the incompetence is being exposed further, including connections between Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and Nidal Malik Hasan, the treasonous Fort Hood shooter. (NOTE: I refuse to continue to attach the rank of major to that scumbag as I think his actions are sufficient to strip him of that distinction.)

As I mentioned earlier, there is a stark reality being revealed by these two and many other incidents. While B. Hussein can sit amid hordes of security personnel and read fantasy tales to us from his teleprompter about the "war against hate and violence" (really?!), we are left to our own devices to defend ourselves and those we love from those who would do us harm.

The other day, I quoted Lt. Col. Dave Grossman (Ret.) in describing the sheep, wolves and sheepdogs in our society. Increasingly, we are being forced to step from the flock, abandon the illusory comforts of denial and take responsibility for our own protection. Since B. Hussein took office, guns and ammunition have literally flow from the shelves and this is a positive thing, in my opinion. Americans, exercising their God-given rights and taking upon themselves the responsibility and duty to protect themselves and their families is a step in the right direction.

As a law enforcement officer, I received the best training available to instill the physical skills and more importantly, the mindset to fill the role of the sheepdog in society. I was trained by the best in verbal communication, firearms proficiency, SWAT operations and leadership and the training was enhanced by serving with the absolute best in the field where those principles and skills were reinforced daily.

So where does the civilian go to acquire those skills and that vital mindset to step into the role of the sheepdog? I want to take this opportunity to make my readers aware of a tremendous resource made available by the Outdoor Channel. It's a weekly program called Best Defense. It airs on Wednesdays and features some excellent trainers, known in the law enforcement community who have very effectively translated law enforcement training principles to civilian needs. The best thing about it is the cost!

While the firearms training "resorts" offer top-notch training to those with the means, they are extremely cost prohibitive. Best Defense is a TV show that packs excellent training tips and techniques into every episode. Of course, the responsibility falls upon the viewer first, to watch and then to practice those techniques demonstrated, but if recent trends are any indication, we as a people are prepared to take that responsibility.

No, I am not being compensated in any way in making this recommendation. I am just continually struck by the high caliber of each episode when I watch it and the real-world practical and responsible application of sound training principles. In short, it's an excellent tool and one we should avail ourselves of as we prepare for present and future threats to our individual and collective security.

Check it out and enjoy!

Stay safe, all.


  1. Hey! I just noticed that Season 1 is available on DVD! Just go to https://www.createspace.com/Customer/EStore.do?id=273669


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