Barack to Republicans: SURRENDER!

After being handed a string of significant defeats, drive-by media ignorance notwithstanding, Barack Obama has made yet another gamble to snatch his socialist dream of controlling the US health care industry from the jaws of crushing defeat. He has at once declared his refusal to scrap the travesty of a "health care bill" and demanded that Congressional Republicans come and help him pass it.

Nevermind that the bulk of the people in this country are adamantly opposed to it. Nevermind the Republicans are stringing together significant gains in recent and meaningful races. Nevermind the abject failure of the administration to accomplish anything significant over the past year. Nevermind the sustained unemployment of the American people amid reckless taxation and spending and the rapidly expanding debt. Nevermind that B. Hussein Obama is increasingly viewed as "Carter on steroids!"

In his defense, the Republicans have made monumentally moronic decisions in the recent past. So perhaps he is calculating the likelihood that the Republicans can once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. But I feel the calculation is in error, if that is indeed the case.

The Republicans have seen the massive groundswell of common American people--of all ethnic backgrounds, from all parties, from all walks of life--who have united in their opposition to the unchecked expansion of government power and B. Hussein's mad dash for socialism in America. While they may lack spines individually, they are presently more frightened of the people than they are of the media and B. Hussein--a winning formula, in my opinion.

But the Republicans are well aware that 63% of the American people are eager to see the bulk of Congress sent packing. And they understand that their career longevity depends on aligning themselves with those people than following B. Hussein down the road to infamy.

Conversely, B. Hussein and the media elites operate under the assumption that those 63% of the people are idiots and that they can, indeed should be ignored. But just in case, B. Hussein has threatened to take the podium daily until his government take over of our health care has passed. If only he would commit to similarly torturing the detainees at Club G'itmo!

In the midst of all this, B. Hussein has invited the Republicans to meet with him to discuss the plan as it exists to nationalize 1/6 of our economy and take control of the people in an unprecedented way. He has stated he'll surrender small portions of the plan, but is staunchly refusing to scrap the entire misguided bill. He has enjoyed a supermajority in Congress for the entire year and has been unable to convince Congress to pass this travesty in that time. He still has the majority and now wants us to believe it's the Republicans who are stopping it.

Amazingly and tellingly, he is reported to have commented that the difference between the ridiculed and failed efforts of the Clintons to enact national health care and his own is that, "now, you've got me!"

As his approval numbers plummet, and as reality closes in around him, he has taken the only logical step that remains: To demand that the opposition surrender. Why? Because, "now, [we've got B. Hussein Obama!]"

I wonder if Custer tried that. I guess we'll never know.
