Thank You, Barry!

There has been a palpable shift in the country and, though it has come at tremendous national and individual cost, we should all take a moment to take stock and express our gratitude for what we've seen.

In the build-up to the 2008 election, we witnessed a carefully manipulative progressive media working to define the parameters of the debate. We learned that B. Hussein Obama was to be considered a "Messiah"-like character-above reproach and that anyone who dared to identify his background, his beliefs, his philosophies, his friends and allies, his middle name--indeed, to tell the truth about him in any way was to be considered racist and beneath contempt.

We were given the candidate, McCain, carefully selected and prepared in his progressive leanings through his years in the US Senate. In the process, we were told repeatedly by progressives in the Republican Party that "the era of Reagan is over," and by default and definition that the progressive agenda being pushed within both parties was to be accepted and embraced. Those of us who bristled at the prospect of a Democrat and Democrat-Light two party system were identified as extremists, "tea baggers," etc. [is it just me, or has anyone else been puzzled by the singular irony of being identified as a "wacko" based solely on one's devotion to and reverence for the United States Constitution?]

And then, figuring that the smoke screen was sufficiently thick and the US people sufficiently subdued, the progressives set about their work to destroy our individual liberties. And they continue today, but we should thank Barry and the Boys for placing on clear display the principles and beliefs that drive them and their contempt for our Constitution, our traditions, and the principles upon which they are founded!

As disaster has been heaped on disaster by this gaggle of statist clowns, we've had living object lessons on liberalism, statism and progressivism. Moreover, their affection for extreme leftist views--the thugs and dictators of the world--and their desire to push us toward a similar totalitarianism and tyranny have likewise been exposed.

As icing on the cake, we've been given Scott Brown, who campaigned on unapologetic and overt conservatism, declaring Reaganesque principles, and seized the "people's seat" from over 4 decades of liberal usurpation. His win added contrast to the the bland answers of the progressives that have been tried and failed throughout history. The contrast of the bright lights of successful conservatism has left the progressives scurrying for cover like the cockroaches they are.

As they did when their icons were exposed and defeated in WWII and the Cold War, they are again going under cover, lying about their true intentions and working to spin themselves as "middle-right" to conceal their extreme leftist agenda.

While the pillars of liberalism and progressivism are crumbling before our very eyes (global warming exposed as a hoax, the persistent lies and schemes, the happy face on the enduring recession, the list of government intrusions with its attendant failures, the failure of the welfare, nanny state policies in living color, the exposure of the media as propagandists etc.), and the persistent efforts to conceal the truth from the American people, we've been handed a tremendous gift and opportunity to seize control of our country and return it to the principles and ideals of her founding.

In summary, the left is being exposed for the whiny, childish, incompetent brats they are, attempting to re-write the rules to create their insane world where truth is a lie and vice versa. And, we've been given just the right doses of reality to counter them and to cause their carefully crafted house of cards to crumble before our eyes. I, personally having spent many hours on my knees on behalf of our Republic, can discern the hand of Providence in the unfolding events of the day.

Yet their determination to retain power through increased repetition of their lies and at a higher volume is evident and a considerable fight yet remains before us. And we must remember that the most dangerous moments are those that immediately follow actual or apparent victory.

But we can take heart that the truth really does set us free and "We, the People" are not alone in this fight.
