"Well, There You Go Again!"

As has become typical of B. Hussein Obama, he has gone behind enemy lines on the new front of his War on Liberty to demand surrender.  And, as is likewise typical, he is not making the demand based on clarity, honesty or the power of his ideas.  He is doing it through deception, double-speak and outright lies.  He did not announce today that he believes Socialism is superior to Capitalism and then outline clear reasons why for us to consider.  Instead, he proclaimed his belief "in the power of the Free Market!"

Further, he declared that the financial reform measures making their way through what has become the bloated bowel of Congress, will protect tax-payers from being on the hook to bail out large corporations in the event of another crisis.  He didn't mention some key problems with this plan.

Beyond the fact that the bill grants enormous unchecked power to the Executive Branch and flies in the face of the Constitution; beyond the fact that it gives government enormous control over picking the winners and losers in the economy; beyond the fact that this plan is clearly the next brick in his effort to rebuild the wall that Reagan tore down, he is being deceptive in his use of the term, "tax-payer."

Who are the taxpayers?  When we hear B. Hussein say his plan to take money from large corporations to put into a bailout fund for future crises won't cost tax-payers a single penny, we are meant to presume that each of us will not have to worry anymore about such things.  But let's remember the definition of tax-payer, on its face, is "one who pays taxes."

We are rapidly approaching, as part of the grand plan of B. Hussein to destroy the Free Market, a time when half of the US population does not pay any taxes!  Therefore, in reality, B. Hussein should be excluding them from his assurances of the coming Utopia.

Here's the rundown:  86% of the taxes in this country are paid by 25% of the population.  This is up from 84% of the tax burden these people paid in 2000.

The top 50% of earners in this country pay 97% of all federal taxes.  The top 1% of earners in the US carry a whopping 39% of the tax burden of the nation!  This is up from 2% of the load they paid in 2000!

So, with a clear definition of who the "tax-payers" are, let's consider B. Hussein's comments.  Let's say Wells Fargo goes under and deemed "too big to fail" by B. Hussein (let's not even speculate how that determination will be made w/o any oversight whatsoever).  The B. Hussein Slush Fund can be accessed to "prevent panic" in the economy.  The Slush Fund consists of money paid up front to the government, i.e. taxes, by the financial sector, i.e. the real tax-payers.  Sounds costly to me.

Anyway, Wells Fargo would then be dissolved and the investments/deposits of investors will allegedly be paid off.  Panic will be averted, peace will prevail, and B. Hussein gets to spend the Slush Fund on whomever he deems worthy to take the money from the Slush Fund (funded by the tax-payers) to redistribute wealth.

Let's not get into the fact that the government spent TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in the present crisis.  Obama claims that "much of that has been paid back."  Paid back to whom?!  Did the top 50% of earners in the country receive refund checks in the mail for what it cost them?!  How about the tax-payers who invested in GM, were declared "greedy" by B. Hussein and commanded from the White House to accept pennies on the dollar for their investments as he passed ownership to the unions who contributed so helpfully to his campaign.

Likewise, we need not delve into the ominous implications of unchecked regulatory authority granted to the B. Hussein regime by this bill to declare literally any legitimate business activity illegitimate by virtue of having made an eeeeevil profit!

B. Hussein's methods never really change.  They are the result of a lifetime under the tutelage of Saul Alinsky and other radical leftists and the agenda remains clearly the same--the undermining of individual liberty and of the founding principles of the United States of America.

And it must be stopped.
